Our lady human is entering pictures of us in the WeTV Picture Perfect Pet Contest! She can only upload one picture a day, and they have to be approved by the contest humans before we can be voted on, but we could win $5,000!!! That's a lot of food and toys for us!!!
We are going to make very, very sure that she posts the voting links where you can rate our pictures all the way from "Cute" to "Too Cute". (Of course, everybody knows we are just "Too Cute"!) She says that the links will be in that Twitter section on the right side of this place.
Oh, we are so excited!!! We are going to be very famous celebkitties!!! YAY!!!
(Note from Gateway: Tigger's just a bit enthusiastic about all of this and it's going to his head in a big way!)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
WOW! Exciting News! We're Being Entered in a Contest!
Posted by
Tigger and Gateway
1:40 PM
Labels: adventures, fun stuff
There's a Monster in the House!!!
Yup, you read that right! There's a big, scary monster in the house! We saw it with our own four eyes!
It's almost as big as our lady human, and it makes this really loud "VROOM! VROOM!" noise! It has a really big mouth that eats up everything that gets in its way! It ate up all the leftover bits of our treats that we were saving for a rainy day, all of the yummy little crumbs from our lady's food, and it can even eat our toys!!! Oh, and it's got this really long suck-up thing on its back that can suck up a little green mousie in no time flat!
Usually, our lady human puts us in Kitty Jail when the monster comes out to feed. I guess that's so we don't get eaten like the mousie toy. It lives in the room next to the food room and it spends more time sleeping than we do. It's not too scary when it's sleeping, but when it starts making that "VROOM! VROOM!" noise, watch out! We got close enough to it the other day while it was sleeping to read its name, at least that's what we think those word things were. It says "EUREKA: The BOSS". We think that means it's the boss monster, which makes us wonder if there are other monsters hiding here. It's not our lady human's boss, because she isn't scared of it, and we even saw her open up its belly! Maybe it's not the boss of anything, but it still is scary!
Posted by
Tigger and Gateway
8:38 AM
Labels: adventures