Sunday, November 30, 2008

Announcing... US!!!

We are Tigger and Gateway, the stars of this place!

Although sometimes it seems like "The Tigger Show", it's really "The Tigger & Gateway Show". Honest! Tigger's just the more attention-seeking half of the team.

We are two kitties who met at The Humane Society of NY and became buddies. Then, yesterday, this lady took us both home with her to some place called Queens. We're not real sure what this Queens place is. Maybe she's royalty! There's lots of room to run and play here, that's for sure!

Anyway, this is Tigger butting in with a news-flash. She's got this box with a bunch of buttons on it called a cat-puter or something like that. I really like the cat-puter! I jump on the buttons and words come out on something called a scream. Or maybe that's what she does when I jump on it when I'm not supposed to... oh, well! Anyway, she told us we could make this blog thing to write to other kitties and to humans, too!

We very especially want to thank all of our friends at The Humane Society of NY, who took care of us real good until we found a home of our own. They are some really awesome human beans there who love, love, love us!

Oh, and if you're wondering why there's no TV on this page, it's because the fishy sushi looked more delicious!