Friday, May 21, 2010

We Have a Mission and She Gets to HELP!!!

Our lady human is almost done walking her legs off for one cause or another for a while. She is going to do one more walk, Walk Now for Autism, and then she is done for the season. This is good, because this time, we have a project for her to help with!

We want to do our part to help The Humane Society of New York, since they were so good to us when we needed someone to take care of us. So, we have asked our lady human to help us get the word out about a few things...

First and the very, very most important - we need people to vote every day for The Humane Society of New York in The All-Star Animal Rescue Site/ $100,000 Shelter Challenge! It is very, very important, and very, very easy to do! Just:

Our other project is to help spread awareness about all the great people who loved us, the wonderful way they took care of us while we were there, and all the things they do to help animals in need. Our lady human has started a Causes page on the facebook place at to help people learn about The Humane Society of New York, and to help raise needed money. You can help, too, by joining the cause and sharing it with your facebook friends! How cool is THAT???

Thank you very, very much!